Thursday, September 11, 2008

This is old

Some people love candy corn (or simply like it) and some hate it. Who cares either way? I don't mind the stuff, but after a few chews of this waxy confection it gets real old...real fast. Kind of like the upcoming season. I need a sweater in the morning sometimes now, and that's ok. But soon I will need a coat ALL DAY, and that is not something to look forward to. I like pumpkins, pumpkin pies, hay rides and autumn leaves. I do not like feeling pain every time I step out the door, being unable to breath because of sheer wind power, and waking up earlier to warm my car up.

Winter is something to bitch about, and I am getting a head start. But it's OK. The summer equinox hasn't begun yet! There's still time to pretend.

(This is nice to read when I am on the other side of winter. I almost made it through my first "upstate winter" and what a treasure it was. I don't wish to make these a habit.)