Friday, July 11, 2008

I don't necessarily like "Blogs"

So that's why I started one. If everyone else in the free world is polluting the internet with their banal garbage...why can't I? Seems like a good outlet, maybe I can become famous without really trying. (Does that ever happen?)

Write what you wish and people will read en mass. Better yet, take pictures of your outfits daily and wait for the praise to fill your inbox. Seems reasonable, and not at all vain.

I'm just really amazed that "journalism" and the media in general are praising well editied diaries. Everyone has an opinion and most of the time it's based on what you've learned in life thus far. You may have no wisdom, you may have a ton. You may be an eloquent writer, you may not understand the rules of the English language. It's ok, we can all meet at the internet and publish it for free!

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